Finnegan Henry Lee was born via c-section at 8:40 am on April 9th 2007. He weights 7 lbs. 2.4 oz. and is 20 inches long. He has a full head of DARK hair (YEAY, like mommy ;)) and his daddy's nose. He is so beautiful!!!!!
Now for the not so great...Finn was doing really well right after the birth. His apgars were 9/9 and he was crying really well. After about 20 min though, he started grunting a bit. They started giving him o2 and decided he needed to go to the special care nursery. Once there they decided to do an x-ray because he the o2 was not working. They discovered he had a pneumothorax which is a small tear or hole in the lung resulting in a collapse. The doctor decided to use a needle to get the air out. It helped but the hole was not closing fast enough she decided he needed a chest tube. When that didn't work as well as they liked they decided he needed to be put on the ventilator :'(
He is doing MUCH better and his sats are 100% right now. They are hoping he can come off the ventilator tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. I am really worried and scared right now even though I know he has great doctors with him. The best thing at this point is that they don't think he will need to be transfered to the children's hospital in Indianapolis.
I am doing fine and I have yet to feel any pain. The spinal took fine and was not tramatic like the last time. Mentally I am doing okay but I am so sad because I have not seen Finn since he was born nor have I been able to hold or nurse him which makes me so upset. Watching him be born and hearing his first cry made the experience much different than with Layla. It took me a few days to bond with her but with Finn I feel this instant bond with him and I miss him SO MUCH. I just really want to hold him. They are suppose to let me up in the next hour or so so I can get in a wheelchair and go to the Special Care nursery to see him and kiss his little toes.